Feb 28, 2010


iya judulnya agak ngasal hahaha. erk trakhir update 20 February. maafkan. males nyalain laptop dan tiba2 nggak bisa update pake hp. hahaha!

HAAAAAAAAH. udah seminggu loh di melben lagi! rasanya udah lama banget ninggalin indo --" 2 hari ini cuacanya enak. dingin! tapi... sering kelupaan bawa jaket/cardigan ato apapun untuk menahan dingin. jadi sekarang... suara gw agak hancur dan sakit perut melanda. hahaha

sebenernya banyak yang mau ditulis. tapi akhir2 ini gw jadi agak sering mikir, buat apa punya blog? maksud gw, buat apa mempublikasikan our privacy to the world gitu? hm. buat apa nulis yang macem2/no hp/pin bb/apapun yang sebenernya bersifat personal di facebook? terus, ngapain juga update status di twitter? kayak orang lain ga punya kerjaan aja nungguin dan ngeliatin twitter kita, kita lagi ngapain. hahaha. OH WELL, gw emang orangnya suka kaya gini. erk. one thing I have not completely understand about my self, cepet banget berubah gini. padahal kemaren2 mana pernah kepikiran yang kayak gini hahaha. ehm, lebay nya sampe kepikiran delete acc twitter sama deactivate fb. hahaha norak.

mau pasang foto sih, cuma malas HEHEHE. lagi banyak tugas, lagian. menggambar saja deh.

terimakasih buat yang sering membaca, semoga blog ku tidak membosankan dan tetap bisa menghibur (cih, pret.). salam power ranger!


Feb 20, 2010

Too blind to see


sorry for late updates, tapi gw emang lagi agak males nge post apa2. hahaha. terus sekarang gw udah di melben lagi, tadi pagi sampe jam.. 10 kayanya. ya itu lah. hahaha. terus I miss home already :) hehehe.

"liburan" gw ke Jakarta kemaren lumayan berkesan. gw kayak bisa liat kalo gw udah belajar lumayan banyak hal (life value gitu, bukan pelajaran sekolah erk) dalam 5 bulan ini. dari september sampe detik ini. let me list what I've learnt so far.

1. Studying abroad is not as easy and as fun as it looks.
bukan mau memberi kesan negatif ato gimana, tapi ternyata belajar dan tinggal jauh dari rumah itu hell sangat susah dan nggak seneng2 melulu. emang, gw akui, dulu sebelum ngerasain yang namanya tinggal sendiri, gw bener2 pengen cepet2 ke melben dan ninggalin rumah dan sering banget ngeluh soal ini itu. tapi, begitu gw harus ngehadepin ini semua sendiri, jauh dari orangtua, rasanya uda bener2 kayak mau ngelahirin 8 anak (berasa tau rasanya aja). jujur, sampe sekarang pun gw belom ngerasa siap tinggal sendiri tanpa bonyok gw. karena mereka itu super helpful dalam almost semua hal. advice mereka tiada duanya (berasa iklan). jadi bagi kalian yang mungkin ngerasa kenapa sih bonyok tuh ngatur2, dan pengen tau rasanya tinggal sendirian, mendingan energi lu digunain untuk berterimakasih buat yang udah ada di depan mata lu, your parents. 
iya, tinggal sendiri tu enak, mau pulang jam berapa aja ga ada yang "memantau", mau ke mana aja suka2 hati lu, mau makan ga makan, tidur jam berapa semua suka2 lu. tapi itu kalo lu punya self control yang baik. kalo misalnya lu tipe yang ngikut? si x ke sini lu ikut, si y ga tidur lu ikut.. kan kasian lu nya juga --" harus bisa ngontrol diri sendiri deh intinya. sama siap2 ngehadepin urusan apartment, electricity bill, apalagi kalo lu mau move in ke sini situ, hal2 kecil soal setting wi-fi di rumah lu, AC bocor, dan hal2 kecil lainnya yang nggak kepikiran buat lu urusin waktu masih di rumah karena ada orang tua lu. 
tapi above all that, gw cuma mau bilang gw merasa beruntung punya orang tua yang peduli dan masih mau bantu sebisanya, and I know semua orang tua pasti kayak gitu :)

2. Semua masalah bisa di selesaikan.
gw dapet ini dari bokap. pokoknya selama di indo beliau bantuin gw banyak banget deh dan dia bilang kalo gw ada masalah gw tu disuruh tenang karena gw harus percaya kalo semua masalah tu ada jalan keluarnya. nggak mungkin deh ga ada, pasti ada. kita tinggal cari tau aja jalan keluarnya tuh kayak apa sih, bentuknya apa, berapa lama prosesnya, tapi soon or later semua masalah tu bisa di selesaikan. emang kayaknya nggak penting kalimat itu, tapi buat gw itu bakal berguna in the future, karena kalo lagi ada masalah, gw bakal bilang ke diri gw kalo semua masalah tu pasti ada jalan keluarnya. semua masalah bisa di selesaikan.

3. Lu nggak akan pernah sendirian.
gw belajar ini dari temen gw, sih. udah rada lama juga gw tau yang ini. tapi baru bener2 keliatan selama 4-5 bulan terakhir ini. maksud dari statement diatas, disini I underline those who study abroad yah hehehe, kadang mungkin kita bakal ngerasa kalo kita sendirian, ngga ada temen, susah adaptasi, bener2 kekurung sendiri nggak bisa ngapa2in. tapi, tenang aja, ternyata nggak cuma lu yang ngerasa gitu. lu nggak se desperate itu, kok. kalo lu cari, mungkin lu bisa nemuin orang yang sedang merasakan hal yang sama atau lebih bagusnya orang yang pernah merasakan hal yang lu rasain. advantage nya lu bisa minta advice dari dia gimana cara ngatasin apa yang lu rasain, kan? gw sempet ngerasa totally alone, kayak susah banget buat adaptasi dan cocok sama orang orang di sekitar gw, tapi ujung2nya gw nemuin juga orang yang ternyata juga ngerasa kayak gitu! tempat, waktu, alasannya mungkin ngggak terduga, tapi kalo lu udah nemuin mereka mereka yang ngerasain hal yang sama, lu pasti lega setengah mati dan ngerasa lu nggak sendirian lagi :)

gw dulu terlalu sombong. gw kira gw itu cepet banget buat beradaptasi, jadi gw bakal enjoy2 aja life in melben sini. ternyata.. gw lupa kalo tetep aja in life, there are ups and downs. gw lupa kalo how bad or good our condition is, it will soon change. dan selama 4-5 bulan ini gw emang ngerasa ada masa2 yang bener2 seneeeeengg banget. bisa ketawa sampe kram pipi, bisa hurahura, seneng2. tapi ada juga masa2 yang bener2 down down down, sampe nangis2 tu ada loh. jadi ya... sampe sekarang gw masih harus berusaha sekuat kuat nya buat adaptasi and I know it's not easy but I am sure I can do it (boleh dong pede dikit hihi).

YAH ceramah sotoy lagi gw. tsk! terlalu sentimentil nih. baru nyampe udah homesick. aduh cepetan sekolah deh, biar ada kesibukan dan teman teman jadi gw nggak mellow gini lagi --" haha. oh well, selamat menjalani hari hari indah kalian! :)

*oh my! ketinggalan! satu lagi yang gw belajar dan related to my "Patrick" post, 
4. lu tau lu udah nemuin sahabat itu waktu kalian tetep nyambung dan nyaman walaupun di pisahin jarak, waktu, dan semuanya! :D


Feb 18, 2010

three words for you

Hey lo!

Got three quotes here which I got from TheLoveStories, twitter. Follow them! :)

a. Living with a someone who can't love you back... is way lonelier than being alone. -Greys Anatomy

True. But I can't even imagine how could you possibly be any lonelier than being alone? maybe this could help. Imagine 'living with someone who can't love you back': you literally live in a house with them, for any particular reason you guys just do. But they can't love you back. So they will automatically ignore you, won't they? But on the other hand you will give them your full attention. You're physically with a person, but you're actually alone. They don't care. Guess that's lonelier than being alone.

b. I finally worked up the courage to walk out of your life. But f* it. I forgot to take my HEART with me.

Pardon the f word, but yeah this seems true for some people, doesn't it? You succeeded to walk through their life. You no longer contact them or whatsoever. But that little damn fragile thing called your HEART is still in there. For real?! That sucks.

c. We are cool in our own way. So, just be you and let people that deserve you get to know you! -Unknown

Hell yeah! Don't try to be someone else. Don't copy them. Don't imitate them. Don't do what they do. Don't try to look like them. Because who knows if they actually want to be like you? And who knows someone might think you're the coolest person in the world? Just... Be your self and I mean it, because we never understand humans, right? (When you're tall you want to be short, when you're skinny you want to be fat, vise versa as if anything is never good enough, huh?*im feeling it too btw)

Oh well. Got mixed feeling two days before heading back Melbourne. Hopefully excitement will dominate above all.

Good night!


Feb 14, 2010

Happy... Day!

well you should fill that gap yourself. wether it's happy chinese new year (day), or happy val's day, or just a plain happy day like what I'm hoping today's gonna be, you're making your own day :) enjoy today!

made this a year ago. got pretty lazy to make another one this year, so ... yeah. there you go :)

and... this one is to represent val's day. only this file suits valentine the most which I have in my laptop :p



Feb 12, 2010

Jumat sore di dalam mobil

Testing . Ih kok tiba2 bisa update pake hp? Dinamis sekali! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha norak mode: on!

11 35 PM

Saya Bosan, Nih. Ngapain Dong Malem-Malem Gini? UWAW.


Feb 11, 2010

My brother is in grade 7

"Pulang-pulang kok Deva uda jago gitar?! waktu ditinggal ke ausi cuma bisa kunci D, G, A. sekarang dia udah main Start-nya Depapepe, terus barusan cari guitar tab nya Your Call by Secondhand Serenade terus belajar 10 menit jadi. terus udah punya band of 7 people and tampil 3-4 kali di sekolah. terus besok audisi lagunya Kiss Me. OH MY! how long have I gone? lol :P"


You're My Patrick

Yang namanya punya temen itu adalah suatu anugrah. iye, lebay emang, tapi kalo lu ngerasa lu punya temen, bukan sembarang temen tapi di kasus ini anggep aja seorang sahabat, lu itu sangat amat beruntung. coba bayangin aja, ada orang di luar sana yang ngerti lu, cocok sama lu, ngobrolin apa aja pasti nyambung, dan yang paling gw amazed itu nerima lu apa adanya. itu bener2 amazing. karena gw mikirnya, lu pasti sadar lu punya kekurangan, tapi temen2 lu itu bisa nerima and understand you despite all that. that's pretty amazing.

coba liat Spongebob. yep, Spongebob Squarepants. dia itu pribadi yang ceria, optimis, aneh, ga jelas, suka seru sendiri, suka heboh sendiri, tapi loyal setengah mati sama yang namanya Patrick Star. dan coba lu liat, se-gila2 nya spongebob, se-norak2 nya dia, se-nggak penting nya dia, siapa yang paling setia nemenin dia mancing ubur-ubur? Patrick! siapa yang semangatin dia waktu down? Patrick. siapa yang main sama dia, sedih sama dia, pergi sama dia, bego2an sama dia, semuanya sama patrick. patrick walopun "bego", tapi dia temen paling loyal yang pernah gw tau. yang mereka sampe punya cincin best friend forever dan spongebob panik setengah mati pas patrick mau buang itu cincin (ato sebaliknya hahaha). ato pas orangtua patrick mau dateng dan spongebob rela jadi orang bego biar orang tua patrick gak anggep patrick bego (karena ada yang lebih  bego dari dia). 

dari kemaren sampe hari ini gw jalan sama beberapa orang. tapi rasanya, puncaknya tu hari ini (meskipun kemaren2 juga berkesan). terus barusan, pas uda pulang, gw liat ulang apa yang terjadi hari ini. dan gw kayak baru sadar (dan disadarkan oleh seorang teman) bahwa gw punya banyak patrick. ternyata banyak temen2 gw yang no matter how far we are, how long we haven't meet up, kita tetep nyambung, tetep bisa haha hihi, tetep bisa share whats going on in our life, tetep bisa ngerti dan bisa nerima apa adanya. I'm pretty sure you also have your Patrick(s). nggak harus banyak kok, 1-2 orang juga bisa. tapi pokoknya mereka itu adalah orang2 yang when you're with them, you're you. you are definitely who you are. lu bisa ngomong pendapat lu tentang apa aja, lu bisa cerita tentang apa aja, lu bisa jadi diri lu sendiri, dan lu sangat nyaman disekitar mereka. you can't buy that feeling. you can't create that feeling when you don't really feel that way. it just happens naturally. 

maybe I sounded like exaggerating, but believe me. kalo lu pikir ulang, liat lagi masa2 SMA lu ato kapan kek, pas nginep bareng, ato pas ngobrol santai di rumah ini, di garasi itu, di gudang nya si ini (kasian bener), lu pasti sadar dan harus harus harus amat bersyukur lu punya patrick patrick yang bakal setia ... probably forever. hopefully forever.

Thank you for today, you guys are my Patrick :)


Feb 10, 2010

Dear Imagination,

"Take me somewhere peaceful, where I don't have to think about my problems and all I've got to feel is nothing. Make me float on the surface and feel the wind breeze on my cheek. Let me close my eyes for a while and forget about all things, and I mean all of them. Take me there, oh my kindest imagination, just take me there."


Feb 8, 2010

Hang in There

went to emporium pluit today. meet up with some friends from FK Atma :) we had lunch and had a little chat, more to discuss about their exam's materials. got flash back to high school times when tomorrow is biology test, only.. in more advance level :p then went to Innet's house, wait to be picked up, she showed me her Sitta Karina's book collections, borrowed Lukisan Hujan :) and there's the little hippo doll! aww I want it so much! too bad Happy House has stopped producing things. they have, haven't they?

good luck for your exam(s) guys!


I Highly Recommend You...


...to read this. A Series of Unfortunate Events, a gothic children novel by Lemony Snicket. so far he wrote 13 books for this series. and the picture above is the first book's cover. this is for those who are not expecting either happy ending nor beginning (obviously shown by its title). with unique style of writing and an intermediate level of vocabulary (for me), this is suitable for you, my peers. I actually read this couple of years ago. I lent it from a friend, and haven't return it since then. either because I forgot, or ... I just don't want to :P. she finally said to me that I can have that book. I am still wanting to buy one, though, for my own. 

I rarely (read and) like a particular book, but this one... 
is remarkably lovely. 


Feb 7, 2010

From Paris With Love


Starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers and John Travolta, this movie is ROCKIN'! sebenernya nggak "wah" banget. tapi gw ngerasa jalan cerita keren, casting keren, acting keren, so overall gw bisa kasih 9.5/10. almost perfect! iye, pasti ada yang nggak sependapat. tapi liat aja tuh artwork buat movie poster nya diatas. keren gitu. UWAWAWA.

Meyers gak seganteng itu, tapi keren aja. matanya mirip Johnny Depp. gile, gw berasa temen deketnya mereka aja. tsk! terus karakter nya Travolta di film itu bener2 dimainin perfectly sama beliau. two thumbs up.

NONTON YAH! it's gonna be in my all time favorite movie list, it sure will! :)


Feb 6, 2010

Go Outside!


Facebook is getting boring :|

yea, been feeling that for the last couple of days. but I can't get rid of the temptation to check it at least twice a day. dang. am I addicted? hope not.


why oh why do we always want something more and more, something new and new, something exciting, cool, powerful, dramatic, fantastic and connecting each daaaayyy

oh well. think I'm going to open twitter and blogger more frequently. thinking of making my self tumblr. seems fun. but nooo am not gonna cheat on you bloggie *nada jijik

posted something on youtube (and facebook). need some pretty honest comments and not those junks like: are you on drugs or something???
*no, seriously I got that comment on one of my videos. I know I'm not that good but what the hell?

see ya!


Feb 4, 2010

Dance Like There's No Tomorrow

Some people are good with metaphor. 
I'm not one of them.
I think I am not designed to think of using an analogy to describe how I feel.
I tell you how I feel exactly how I feel and not how other things describes how I feel. Do you feel me?

I envy them.
They are not too transparent while talking about feelings and they are able to point out unusual advance vocabulary.
I want to be not so obvious, to you especially.

But guess what,
they want to be like me.
Not me, but people like me who has no trouble in expressing their feelings.
Who are not afraid to say those three words, or any other word that they really feel.
They're craving to stop looking for another figure of speech each day to cover what they actually don't want to cover.
They're looking for freedom.

I have it, but I didn't realize it, and just like how human are created to be, I want to be and to have the opposite.

Pity? I think so.


Feb 1, 2010


It feels like home, it surely does :) I didn't tell my cousins and their parents that I'm coming home. so got this plan with my dad, they're gonna ask my cousin's family for lunch, then out of no where, I'm gonna show up and surprise them. so I did, I hide behind tables and chairs,jongkok until my leg got pins and needles, but it worked really well! never saw my uncle got so surprised ever in my life before, and so my dad said :D

and hello to you too, canon D350!

Deva :D

took this from inside the car while waiting for the juice we ordered. 

I don't know why but I think this pic is good.

kalung diva yang lately is my favorite :)

nothing and I mean nothing can make me smile so extremely happy like what you see in that picture more than playing piano after four months. four months.

yes, kamar gw dirombak, dan dd gw milih wallpaper itu. it becomes "boys room". er... okay. where am I gonna sleep? --"

dad taught me to do this

but not this

and this :P

or this,

also this one,

that's all me :) *after having a 'short-photography-lesson' with dad, and later with Dina :P

unfortunately, Deva took all of the pictures when I showed up in front of my cousin's family. so, here you go with blurry pictures. hopefully it can still brings out the emotion of how surprised they were :)

my uncle!

my aunt

yay! :D

we succeeded!

"anakku! akhirnya kau kembali pada kami setelah tiga puluh tahun merantau!"

the 'trio' is back! :)

my cousin

her silhouette (again, stating the obvious)
"hidup ini memang berat ya.." oh jangan bersedih, om! saya kan sedang pulang!


oldest brother
their mum; my aunt.


suka aneh.

*happy birthday Dina!
