May 31, 2010

If it's true

kebangun jam 7 38 gara2 kebiasaan, mungkin, lol terus dapet kabar dari febi kalo terjadi kerusuhan di kosambi. berita lengkapnya, cari sendiri di DetikNews. gw juga udah ga mau tau secara lengkap apa yang memicu, siapa yang jadi korban, berapa rumah yang kebakar, gw cuma lega temen2 gw yang tinggal disana nggak kenapa2. udah teralu banyak lah masalah "nggak elit" gitu terjadi di Indo sampe gw males ngurusin.

nah, moving to happier thoughts, tadi iseng2 liat ZodiacFact di twitter (follow aja @ZodiacFact) terus iseng2 cari yang sagittarius hahaha terus IF IT'S TRUE, then the statements I'm just about to describe below is how I try to describe my self! (I mean, I found some of the facts are true)

Sadly, #Sagittarius are often mistaken as being flirts because of their friendliness

#Sagittarius have the ability to look beyond the external appearances and appreciate a person for his nature morethan his looks
(am so proud if it's true!)

Beneath the cool and casual exterior of a#Sagittarius is a childish and lovely heart that is free from cruelty and deception.
(Teehee! :P)

Secondly, ordering a #Sagittarius to do anything literally falls on deaf ears and they will never ever do it.
(does ngeband and gamelan session count? cause that literally deafen my ears lol)

#Sagittarius men and women are very outspoken and literally have an inability to keep their thoughts to themselves.
(so true!)

I recommend you to make yourself a tiny little twitter, it's harmless, really! why so? because sometimes it helps you to say anything out loud. or to get information if you follow like cnn or national geographic and stuff. and you get to chose your followers and who you want to follow! I suggest that you only follow people who you really want to follow, and you let people who you want to be followed. you know. in some cases, this happens: you guys keep follow follow follow back people, but in the end, you ended up hating the person because they tweet too much or they're not that close to you so you don't really care about their life, and stuffs! so if you start new, you could get a bigger chance to make your harmless little twitter perfectly fits yourself. gile gw promosi twitter abis hahaha erk. REKRUT AKU DONG JADI BAGIAN PROMOSI. dhuar (bunyi kantor twitter meledak)

APA SIH. eh doakan ya! hari ini mau inspect 2 rumah hahahahahaaaaaa erk. uda bosen sama kata inspect. dari yang tadinya serem ngisi2 form, sekarang uda lancar banget, uda ga peduli lagi hahahha krik krik. kemarin malam aku rajin lho! kerjain tugas sampe jam satu! hihi padahal hari ini libur hahahaha erk



May 30, 2010

May 29, 2010

tanpa judul

nyari rumah susah banget sih pengen nangis! aaaaaaaaaaa

I can't barely wait!

To attend this freaking awesome exhibition!

Btw, sorry for the late post. Been busy all week. All final projects due last week and this week. But one subject is done, people, so four more to go! Wish me luck, and I'll be back in Jakarta in no time. Woohoo!! :D *biggest smile ever!

Have a great weekend!


May 17, 2010


Gw berasa jumat sabtu minggu berlalu terlalu cepat, tau-tau udah hari sene lagi --" tapi ngga papa, makin dekat ke hari kepulangan ke indonesia HAHAHA no secret2an deh this time. Hahaha

Kemarin (15 mei) oma ulang taun dan kejamnya seluruh sepupu beserta keluarga besar berkumpul dan menginap tanpa gw untuk yang kedua kalinya. Sempet skype (16 mei) dan gw iri sedih senang bercampur jadi satu hahaha tuh ada 4 foto di pesbuk.

Kenapa berkumpul saat aku tidak disana sih! Cih pret huh!

Lalu barusan mengambil permen gratis. Swinben kok baik sih banyak 'free' day? Hahahaa erkk

Have a great week ahead!

May 11, 2010

No need to say a word,

This is enough said.

Uploaded with

That's a short stop motion clip I made using PS. Click here in case you missed the whole thing.


May 10, 2010

One Time

yeaaaa lagi2 gw kemakan omongan sendiri. Justin Bieber? siapa sih? males banget jadi TT twitter udah 2 minggu lebih, emang lebih nya dia apa sih? taunya.. tadi pagi.. gw baca artikel di.. kalo ga salah, dan I found out kalo ternyata JB itu not a Disney based singer, or anything, tapi his singing career started when his mom uploaded his vids to youtube just for their relatives to watch. but then one night, a producer (yea, I forgot his name, as usual) saw JB's vid and the next morning he flew JB and his mom to his place, and soon he became JB's manager. sounds cool huh? and what I also read is that he's humble and down to earth. he reply his fans' tweets and addressing them with their names, etc. one thing that I concern, kenapa lu baru enam belas tahun dan tidak lahir 3 atau 4 tahun lebih awal!!! LOL

his singing skill gw bilang lebih bagus dari zac efron. meskipun iya, suaranya masih kaya anak keciiiil banget hahaha. gw bilang suara dia cocok buat lagu2 yang dia nyanyiin seperti yang di bawah ini. tapi tetep aja, gayanya masi belom cocok, cuy. hahaha but anywaaayy, his songs are entertaining and I might think of making the cover (but again, ini lagu cowo, dan liriknya bakal aneh kalo gw nyanyiin ergh!) enjoy!


May 9, 2010

We Are One

tiba tiba suka Westlife lagi gimana dong? GIMANA DONG? HAHAHAHA. iya gw udah mulai gila. karena apa gw sendiri nggak tau hahahah. mungkin emang aneh dari sananya. bisa kadang superajin kerjain tugas, tapi, just like today, I just want to sleep all day. ergh!

liriknya weslaif bagusbagus loh! OH NO. inggris gw semakin kacau nih gimana dong? kebanyakan main sama orang indo, ga pede ngomong inggris. seriously, ironically, I need to improve my english. a!

tiap sabtu sekarang gw latian gamelan! sangat bahagia!

bagaimana hidup kalian akhir2 ini? semoga tetap ceria!
