Aug 30, 2010

Photography Lecutre, today.

Talking about exposure.

Teacher: so in what kind of situation do we see lots of white things?
Student: snow?
Teacher: yeah, snow is correct, but another occasion? like celebration?
Me: wedding?
Teacher: yes.. wedding. now when will we see lots of black?
Me: *whispering* funeral?
Bule friend of mine: you don't take pictures on a funeral!
Me: oh yeah.. right.


Aug 29, 2010

Even Greater

Even Greater 
by Planetshakers
We believe for even greater
We believe for more
So let your power come upon us
Because we believe for more


I have been looking for this song for ages. okay, not ages. for couple of months now. I keep typing the lyrics on google but the title never showed up. probably because Planetshakers has just made this song. I first heard it when I went to planetshakers back in 2009. I fall in love with this song at the first catch. that's why I've been looking for its mp3. but keep failing :p just now, I really want to try to find this song one more time, and praise God for creating geniuses people who made google and youtube, I finally found this song. the lyrics is so good and the melody is just beautiful :) I hope you can enjoy this song as much as I do. have I just post four times in two days? wow. that's a new record.



I did actually post this!

click on image for bigger preview

this is the part which I want to stress out from the whole post. look at that! what was I thinking? lol. again, click for bigger preview.

gw gak nyangka, gw pernah actually wrote this down, and post this on my blog. so labil lah. hahaha


Aug 28, 2010

Sequence of Pictures

here are some random pictures taken in July-August. enjoy :)

Pad thai, my "welcome" lunch. Just couple hours after I arrived back here in Melbourne

I MADE this pasta. pasta yang di komentari nyokap: ini beli dimana? and bokap: itu udang saos mayonaise? dan seorang teman: masak? pasti beli. kasian ya, gw. sekalinya masak langsung di cerca habishabisan :p

kasian, yang punya pasti kaget terus (syok).

salah satu anggota Super Junior. eh iya kan? HAHA lupa. pokoknya imut. geli.

traktir si yudo karena udah bantuin pindahan. Don don box. dinamis. "cantik" yah tata-an nya :)

sering banget tu product Vitamin Water bagi2 gratis. di swinben sering juga. heran. ga bangkrut ya? hahaha


beneran ga ada intention buat moto dengan angle yang sama. taunya hasilnya bisa mirip. serem sendiri lol

kitkat greentea dari si napram yang abis dari jepanggg

timetable. yang katanya gak perlu kita allocate sendiri, taunya harus. dapet kelas sisa. but I'm thankful :D

udon kari dimasakin naprammm. yiha

nonton soundsekerta bareng temen gerejaaa. depan ki-ka: karin, sherlly. belakang ki-ka: nakir, napram, hipolucu. at. 

ello GANTENGG nya ga manusiawi. salut sama performence dia karena dia sendirian. band nya ga dateng. padahal mestinya ada full band. salut!

Duta So7! lagu2 mereka bombastis. walopun udah lamaa banget tapi tetep enak di denger sampe sekarangg. for real.

lupa ini dimana. yang jelas bukan punya gw, sih. hehehe. OH inget. di cafe 7 seeds kalo ga salah, abis latian nyanyi buat perform yang di Indo Film Festival (IFF)

SATE. enak abis nih. di Satay House. st kilda ada, city ada. ini GRATIS dari konjen (konsulat jendral) krn abis latian vocal grup buat 17an :D

THE BEST musical play I've watched so far. Mary Poppins. casting nya gila. nyanyi nya gila. acting nya pinter banget (terutama 2 anak kecilnya). argh bisa mati. pengen banget ikut production kaya gini. kayak The Boyfriend jaman duluu.



One Afternoon

click image for bigger preview


Have just clicking and reading through old blog archives. Man, I was happy back then (antara happy atau emang udah aneh dan ga jelas dari dulu). I said all kind of things I feel like saying. One point twas good, but I can 'give out too much' sometimes. Get what I mean? lol. I feel like my latest posts seems dull -____- anyway...

Just downloaded some Jonas Brothers songs. Had it once, loved it, lost it. But thanks to technology, I can, once again, listen to their songs after all! (read: piracy).

Will always like these two songs: Just Friends and Still in Love With You

"Still in Love With You"
You left without a single word
Not even sorry
It might've hurt worse to hear you say
I'm leaving, goodbye
But your smile still makes my heart sing
Another sad song
I can't forget it
I won't regret it
Cause I'm still in love with you

No, I don't feel that way. Just feel like posting it :D



Aug 26, 2010

our promise

click image for bigger preview.

it's never too early to start something that we love, right? this is for 'epiphone' guitar advertising. no, it's just for fun. it's not commercial, it's not any of my assignments, it's just what I love and what I wish to do in the future :)


Hello heart, hello brain.

Gw bukan tipe pemikir. Gw cenderung nerima semua informasi apa adanya. Misal. Lagi lecture, ato seseorang lagi cerita tentang sesuatu, gw bakal langsung nerima, istilahnya 'nelen bulet2', ga pake pikir panjang, langsung menganggap itu yang beneran terjadi. Sometimes it can be a good thing, but sometimes it is not. Gw orangnya jadi gullible. Gampaaang bgt di pengaruhi, ato "diracuni" berbagai macam informasi, despite its actuality.

Belum lagi gw orangnya lebih pake hati daripada otak. Contohnya, di kritik dikit, ato denger sesuatu yg ga enak, langsung bete, sedih ato gundah gulana (geli bgt bahasanya), intinya ga tenang deh. Padahal mestinya kalo mikir pake otak (logic), hal2 kecil kaya gitu ga usah gw peduliin daripada nyusahin diri sendiri.

Belakangan gw suka ngeliat quotes: think with your heart. Yaa that's not the exact word, but that's the point (beda yah sama 'follow your heart'). Dulu I used to agree with these quotes. But now, jangan deh. Jangan (terlalu banyak) mikir pake hati. Kadang otak harus di dahuluin. Kadang otak benar, dan emang kadang hati salah. Oke, contoh deh. Contoh ekstrim. Seorang wantia (x) jatuh cinta sama pria ber istri (y). Bahasa gw geli bener yeh. Yah mari kita analisa hati dan otak si x. Hati..uda pasti mau nyoba jalanin relationship sama y even though y udah married. Hati bakalan kuat banget di kondisi kayak gini, especially for us, women. Soalnya emang berdasarkan penelitian, dari sananya, cewe lebih pake feeling, dan cowo lebih pake logic. Makanya mereka justru saling melengkapi. Anyway, back to x and y, otak si x pasti sadar kalo dia ga bisa terus2an suka sama si y. Apapun respon y, x tetep ga bisa berbuat apa2 kan. Kalo y respon balik, artinya x berperan dalam 'menjerumuskan y ke jurang neraka' (serem banget). Kalo y nolak.. x sakit ati juga pasti. Serba salah emang. Tapi paling salah buat gw kalo di kondisi kayak gini, si x ngikutin quotes di atas. Hancur dunia.

Well, mungkin contohnya trlalu ekstrim, itu juga bukan nyindir siapa2, yg kepikir cuma itu hahaa. Cuma mau ingetin aja, siapa tau ada yang lagi gundah gulana, sering bergulat antara hati sama otak, tapi kok kayaknya otak kalah terus, itu harus di perhatiin. Kadang harus abaikan hati, dan tetep ngikutin otak. Pelan2 asal sadar terus :)


Topik lain yang kepikiran, pernah gak sih bertanya2, gimana ya gw bisa ada di sini? How did I get here in the first place? Barusan gw jalan ke tram stop, abis dr uni, waktu jalan, gw sekilas bener2 ngerasa aneh gw bisa ada di melben. 5207 km jauhnya sama orang2 yang udah 18 taun mengisi hari2 gw (cie). Damn it's weird. Kenapa gw? Kok gw bs di tempat itu, saat itu? Tapi sekilas doang sih, sekarang sih udah mikirin mau dinner apa hahahaha. Otak manusia. Aneh ya.

Speaking of dinner, gw catering sekaraaangg :D yiha. Terus kemaren baru beli rice cooker gituuu (iya, sama berasnya). Jadi, rice cooker nya org sini agak unik, menurut gw. Itu tuh cuma kayak.. Bowl.. Ada tutupnya. Masukin nasi, air, microwave 14 menit, jadi. Gile yeee. Dan cuma $6an. Hahaha ga pake listrik yg ky d indo gituu hehe.. Prtama tau taun lalu sih, pas prtama dateng ke ruma tmen gw dsn. Dia uda punya gitu. Tapi bener2 takjub tadi siang. Di tinggal mandi, nasi jadi men di microwave. (Hip, di indo juga ada rice cooker kali. Yang bahkan ga masukin microwave. Yang jadi juga pas di tinggal mandi. Zzzzzzz)

SUDAH KAMIS! Tapi tugas gw banyak juga sih. Huh. Malas. Tp gpp deh. Mood akhir2 ini agak bagus :) enjoy the rest of the week! :D

Big smile! :)


Aug 21, 2010

Aug 19, 2010

Talking about unfairness

If you feel like you've complaint much about how unfair your life is lately, compare to those who have everything you want such as money, house, or even a good love, take a good look at your surroundings.

There are people who live in the street, those who work their ass off for a day just to get money to buy lunch, and those who have lost their family members and beloved ones. Meanwhile you have a house to live, enough food for a day, and numbers of family and friends there for you, man, that's unfair.

What makes you think that you deserve all that and those less fortunate people don't? Think about it. We are all humans. We breathe, we walk, talk, smell, and feel most of the same things. Is it really their fault so that they're living in that kind of situation where we live in a better one? What makes them deserve to live that way? Even more, what makes you think you deserve to live in the situation you're living in now?

I'm not talking about those who was rich, but greedy and mean so that they become poor. But I'm talking about those who really was in that condition since the day they were born. Did they ask for that? No, I don't think so.

So it won't harm you just to be thankful for everything you have right now. Even small things that you think is normal, like a normal leg, for example. When you have an extreme pain in your leg, you'll wish for a heathy one, won't you? So why not be thankful for the healthy one that you have right now?

Too much infoooo. Okay need to stop. Haha have a nice week yaaa. Weekend is coming soon! Btw I'm performing tomorrow at Indonesian Film Festival opening dinner with couple of friends. Wish us luck! :)


Aug 16, 2010


Seberapa hebat kau untuk kubanggakan
Cukup tangguhkan dirimu untuk selalu kuandalkan
Mampukah kau bertahan dengan hidupku yang malang
Sanggupkah kau meyakinkan di saat aku bimbang

Celakanya hanya kaulah yang benar-benar aku tunggu
Hanya kaulah yang benar-benar memahamiku
Kau pergi dan hilang kemanapun kau suka
Celakanya hanya kaulah yang pantas untuk kubanggakan
Hanya kaulah yang sanggup untuk aku andalkan
Diantara pedih aku selalu menantimu

Seberapa Pantas - Sheila on 7

If you pay attention closely to the lyrics, you'll realize that it's beautiful, really. A thought crossed my mind that this song can really express how one loves a person, truly. How he (based on the singer, it's a 'he') can only depend on this girl (or guy? Lol! Just kidding). How he realizes that she's the one, how he finally can't get over her like he get over the others (probably). Well, even though I first listened to this song when I was in 3rd grade, it's still nice to hear now, on my 2nd year of uni. They're geniuses, really. Oh how I wish I could make a song this long lasting :)

Have a great week! Be happy! :D:D

By the way, I woke up this morning and found out so many people tweet(ed) #sexy last night. What happened? Lol. Well, just to add up a little bit, a guy who seems ignorant but quietly pay attention to little things is sooo sexy (to me; and it just happened) lol :)

Remember, BE HAPPY!


Aug 15, 2010

My list

It just hit me that I shud make a list of food that I DISlike (That weirdly most people do like) it's gonna be in indo ya, cause I don't know most of the names :p

Ati ampela
Ceker ayam -_____-
Wortel yang di potong kotak
Kentang yang dipotong kotak juga
Burung dara
Red bean
Gyutan don --" (bukan ga suka, tp biasa aja. Btw it's ox's tongue)
All kind of ice cream besides mint chocolate chip, plain vanilla choc or strawberry :p
Chocolate with nuts
Telur setengah matang
Buah tomat (kalo saos tomatnya suka :p)
Sate kambing (or anything kambingy)

Bnyk orang bilang I'm missing out so many things by disliking those food I mentioned above (especially seafood sih). But guess what? Gw masih bisa menikmati makanan lainnya yang mungkin justru orang lain gak suka seperti: acar, timun, wortel yang di parut dengan saos mayonnaise (inget "salad"nya hokben?) Apel dengan garam dan masih banyak lagi teehee! :)

Happy sunday! (It's officially sunday already when I posted this)


Aug 4, 2010

Never Underestimate

Haloo. Belum ada internet nih, kawan. Jadi sementara update lewat hp dulu. Nyehehe. Well, cuma mau share dikit aja. Beberapa hari/minggu terakhir gw bener2 ngerasain "pasti ada sesuatu dibalik sebuah kejadian". "Sesuatu" itu biasanya refers to good things. Dan emang iya. Misalnya aja.. Kemaren, abis pulang dari uni (enrollment), gw harus ke city karena mau benerin sim card yg baru gw beli, buat gw pake sebagai mobile broadband. Hm agak ribet. Jadi gw beli sim card, yang bisa gw pake di 1 alat mirip usb, yang intinya, usb itu adalah modem yang bisa jadi internet. Gw harus isi pulsa ke sim card itu, tapi ga bisa2 pas gw coba hari senin. Jadi kemaren (selasa) gw ke city buat minta benerin org nya. Dan bisa. Gw mikirnya: gw pake sim card ini in case emergency aja deh. Stelah pulang, ternyata pas bgt, gw emang perlu internet buat ngurus alokasi kelas. Padahal coba kalo siangnya gw males ke city buat benerin. Gw pasti kelabakan jg ngurus ini itu pas malemnya.

Mungkin contoh gw ga terlalu ekstrim. But I'm pretty sure kalian pernah ngalamin hal2 kayak gini. Terus, kadang kita juga dapet masalah tiba2 yang bikin kita sensi, bete setengah mati. Masih nyambung sama yg di atas, kmrn mlm gw ga bs alokasi kelas. Udah gw coba2, id gw ga bisa log in. Dan yang bikin keki, dari dulu bulan Mei, kami udah di pesenin, ga perlu alokasi kelas. Eh kemaren, tanpa pemberitahuan apa2, tiba2 di suruh alokasi kelas n dapetnya yang kelas sisa2 --" karena udah kesel+pasrah, gw email uni gw trs gw tinggal tidur. Yg mau gw ingetin, ga ada salahnya tiap ada masalah tuh kita doa. Bukan mau menyombongkan agama. Tapi kalo kita inget dan bergantung sama Tuhan masing2, percaya deh Dia bakal bantuin kita, even when we're sleeping. Tadi pagi gw dapet email dr uni, mreka bilang id gw ga kenapa2, dan udah bisa log in. Mungkin beberapa mikir: ah itu mah kbetulan aja kali.. Emang lu email mereka dan tugas mereka buat balesin n bantu lu. But I'm sorry, I'd rather believe that God put his work on this one too. No matter how ridiculously sickening situation you are in, never questioned God. He will help :)

Ah yah sudah. Semoga post ini bisa di baca dengan pikiran dan hati yang terbuka lebar :) happy wednesday, have a nice day!
