Jun 4, 2010

Just Now

It came up to me just now. 

Dear thief, 
you can take my wallet, my money, my cards and all of the pictures inside. steal all the wallet in the world, but one thing for sure, you can't take away the most valuable thing in my life. my family and friends! (and I mean it)

dedicated to my recently stolen wallet's thief, whoever you are, wherever you are right now. may you use whatever's left in my wallet for your own good ;)



oneeye said...

wah, bagaimana ini ceritanya. di train? resto? uni? lapor polisi tuh (polisi setempat yg kamu keilangan dompetnya), sapa tau mereka nemu dompet kosong tapi id kamu ga diambil.

van said...

iya di melbcen! jgn pernah ada yang ke melbcen lagi! *lebay hahaha tmen gw jg pernah ada yg ilang dompet disitu soalnya huh. hm udah lapor polisi kok, polisinya lucu bisa bhs indo dikit2 hihi