Dec 14, 2009

Radnor and Price

those are two surnames of the sweet loving real life couple! jadi gw inget pernah baca berita kalo si Josh Radnor, yang jadi Ted di HIMYM, sama Lindsay Price, yang jadi Victory di Lipstick Jungle tuh, in real life, jadian. terus barusan gw lagi liat HIMYM, tiba2 muncul si Lindsay Price. gw emg uda suka banget sama si Lindsay ini sejak pertama liat LJ. gw suka banget muka oriental dia ahahha. jadinya gw ke imdb, cek, bener ga tuh si Lindsay pernah jadi guest star di HIMYM? eh taunya bener. that was the first time they met. taun 2007. and I think they started dating on Feb 2009. aw. just look at these pictures. they're so cute together hahaha

sumber: google image

I like the third one the best. aren't they just too cute to be together? :) 


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