well, seperti yang gw janjikan, gw ngepost ini isinya foto2 doang :) hehehe.
ibu itu memakai kebaya! eh ya.. itu lah batik. hahha
to be honest these cookies dont taste that good, but they all really like it! once again, i didnt make it :p
this one i made it my self! well, not really. vanessa and millie helped blowing it, and.. tied them up, but i did too! and then i hang that on the top by my self! :D
my mum bought this book, and i found something interesting about this book. keep reading!
they're the authors. no, that's not the interesting part, yet! keep reading guys!
tadaa! ada batik! and.. there's more..
wayangg!! :) how great!
and guess what, gw cek di whole world art section, ga ada satupun budaya ato art dari... negara tetangga kita itu!! jadi udah sangat amat jelas kalo mereka emang nggak punya budaya dan cuma terus menerus ngeclaim budaya negara lain! :) so proouddd of indo!
(just click the pic to enlarge. itu gw fotoin satu2 buat bukti! hehe)
yah.. hari ini... BOSAN! dan masih jem stengah 9 pagi di indo. how great. gw udah makan 2 pisang, cup noodle sama a piece of spinach omelette, for my lunch!
have a great monday!
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