yak! itu salah satu judul The Jersey Boys! waawawawa. gw tadi nonton di Princess Theatre. imut banget ga sih tu namanya? Teater putri. caelah. kalo di jkt kan teater koma ya? hahahaa. disini cute gitu namanya. PRINCESS! aw!
terus, Jersey Boys itu nyeritain tentang 4 cowo yang ngebuat grup band gitu, mirip The Beatles, tapi ini mrk dari Jersey, trus mereka itali gitu. KEREN BGT LOGAT NYA ARGHH. padahal actornya itu orang ausi. eh iya, ini kejadian beneran. jadi 4 cowo itu, bikin band namanya 4 Seasons. jaman dulu lah. taun.. 1960an kali ya. terkenal bgt tu dulu. sampe presiden Nixon aja pernah present mereka gitu di suatu acara hehehe. keren yaa..
terus ini cd nya. di tanda tangan-in sama 2 pemain utamanya! :D suara mereka keren2 lhooo. aw! nyokap gw bener2 kaya fans fanatik deh tadi. dia yang pengen cd nya di tanda tangan in, sama pengen foto barengg!! pdhl aktor nya ganteng bgt juga nggak --" hahahaa..
sayang bukan david archuleta, ato patrick dempsey, ryan reynolds ato zac efron ya. coba kalo mereka, bisa gw yang SUPER NORAK HAHAHAHA. erk
terus gw suka lagu yg ini :)
Frankie Valli » My Eyes Adored You Lyrics
My eyes adored you
Though I never laid a hand on you,
My eyes adored you
Like a million miles away from me you couldn't see
How I adored you:
So close, so close and yet so far away
Carried your books from school,
Playing make-believe you're married to me:
You were fifth grade, I was sixth
When we came to be
Walking home every day over Barnegat Bridge and Bay,
Till we grew into the me and you
Who went our separate ways
My eyes adored you
Though I never laid a hand on you,
My eyes adored you
Like a million miles away from me you couldn't see
How I adored you:
So close, so close and yet so far
Headed for city lights,
Climbed the ladder up to fortune and fame,
I worked my fingers to the bone,
Made myself a name.
Funny, I seem to find that, no matter how the years unwind,
Still I reminisce about the girI miss
And the love I left behind...
My eyes adored you
Though I never laid a hand on you,
My eyes adored you
Like a million miles away from me you couldn't see
How I adored you:
So close, so close and yet so far
All my life I will remember how warm and tender
We were way back then
Though I'm feeling sad regrets I know I won't ever forget
You, my childhood friend
My eyes adored you
Though I never laid a hand on you,
My eyes adored you
Like a million miles away from me you couldn't see
How I adored you:
So close, so close and yet so far
well, seperti cerita2 klise lainnya, band itu sempet pecah gitu. sempet terkenalnya si penyanyi doang yang suaranya khas banget, si Frankie Valli. tadinya nama dia Vally, tapi gara2 istrinya bilang dia tu italian, namanya mesti di akhiri vowels. huruf hidup. hahaha. konyol. kayak De Niro, Pizza, dia ngasi contohnya itu. goblok banget. hahaha
oh well, kalian yg uph uda mau uts ya? gw MASIH BELOM JUGA MASUK HAHAHAH erkk. eh kesal deh disini baru bisa ngapa2in kalok udah 18 --" plan 3 aja baru bisa 18 zzz. itu loh, kalo disini tuh sistemnya kalo beli simcard dpt hp. tergantung lu mau yang brapa. ada yg $19, $29, dll sampe $99. misal lu $19, lu dapet hp E63 nokia, sama mesti isi pulsa slama 2 taun, tiap bulannya $19. gitu. itu uda dapet pulsa lebihlebih buat sms, telp, sama internet. plus hpnya! jadi ya.. menurut gw sih menguntungkan hehehe. tapi.. mesti 18. MALES GA SIH. im just 3 months away!! --" terus, rasanya kalo gw uda langsung apartment kan lebih enak. lebih gampang gitu deh. coba ntar pas gw d homestay. gw bener2 ga tau deh mesti gimana sama host parentnya. apakah tiap hari harus spend time at least 1 jam sm mereka, skedar ngobrol, supaya sopan, ato apaaaa? DENGDONG. ah udah lah --"
yaaa sudah. enak yee disana masi jem 4. disini ud jem 7. zz. laper. eh nggak deh. disini gw aneh. kadang ga laper kadang bisa laper banget. wawawa!
have great days ahead guys! :D
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