Jan 1, 2010

Hello Twenty Ten

Dear Twenty Ten,

I am personally hoping that you will become a great great year for us. please let us grave unforgettable memories in you, be cheery and thankful for every minute of our everyday, and to let us make mistakes in you, realize and learn from it, and eventually become a better person in the future :)

Best Wishes,
all living things on earth.


this was (coincidentally) my 460th post. not a special number though. has nothing to do with twenty ten lol. anyway, spent my new year's eve at Docklands with bunch of lovely (kinda new) friends. enjoyed the fireworks, though. but NOT the weather. twas raining and windy. I did know the weather forecast said there was a possible chance of thunder storm. but we didn't take that seriously, I guess :P well, don't regret anything from the past, enjoy present, and be ready for your ultimate future! :)

happy new year 2010! :) wish you had a blast.



Unknown said...

yaaa we have the same title for our post :) hahahaha. happy new year to you vaan, i enjoyed watching the fireworks with youuuu hahaha

van said...

cie kitaaa hahahaha :) ADOH LUSA UDAH MASUK AAAAAA