Nov 19, 2009


lagu Alicia Keys.

you know what guys? I had a 5-hours break today, no kidding. my first class started at 8.30 in the morning, which I thought I was gonna be late, but in fact, I didnt (which a friend of mine point out, maybe I got the clock in my room all wrong and moving too fast, that make sense), it ended at 11.30 and the second class is at 4.30. 5 hours break seems nice, BUT NOOOOO it wasnt that pleasant. we even got bored for having too long break! erk. but somehow we did use the time effectively by chatting with each other from A to Z, or probably we all did chat from A back to A and back to A again. hell, we got loads to talk about :P

we talked about manohara, telenovelas like Rosalinda and friends when we were a child back there, driver, poverty, one of Indo island, chili, tv shows, reality shows, family 100, and we did mention extravaganza. and I just looked for it in youtube, and they have it! you know I was kinda a big fan of that funny show. back when the actors are the first base one, you know, Tora, Mike, Tike, Virnie, Ronald and friends? oh and Roni! I miss that big guy :P and I found this really funny. not that funny, but their spontaneousness, it was great. great and smart, I say. but I dont like it that much nowadays. its got pretty boring, complete with its lousy jokes, unfortunately :( but still, this is worth to watch. 

Aming is like.. the best. lol! sorry for the bad sound, I have no idea why, though. too bad the last one is not that funny --"

I just love them when they're being silly play group (or elementary) kids :D

thats all for now! 
(search for more on youtube!)



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