Jul 22, 2009

well, gw lagi lagi kena syndrome youtube maniac. jadi dari pagi gw cuma nonton the nanny dari utub. season 1, skrg episode 8. hahahaa. gw prtama denger sitcom the nanny dari fibem + addi. tp blm prnah liat. taunya suatu hari, ada di halmark! gw ntn deh. tp uda season 2 gt rasanya. jadi gw d utub season 1 de. gw suka tokoh nya semuanya especially nice. trus malem ini gw dengerin baik2 itu lines mereka, dan yg lucu gw catet, masukin blog. hahaha. iye, kaga ada kerjaan. diem aje lu  *galak

jadi ada kuwarga. terdiri dari ayah, Maxwell Sheffield, punya 3 anak: Maggie (ce, plg tua), Brighton (cowo, tengah), Gracie (ce, plg kecil). mrk punya buttler. emg british bgt ya, ampe punya buttler. buttler tu pelayan cowo gitu loh, ky yg d batman gitu. si alfred. cuma.. di the nanny, namanya Niles. Maxwell punya 'work associate' namanya CC (sisi, cewe). CC sama Niles itu bener2 sindir2an, saling ga suka, saling ejek, seneng kalo yg satunya lagi sial, and use sarcasm a lot. i really learn lots and lots of sarcasm only by watching those two. and they're terribly funny :p with, i suppose, an unexpected ending of that two :p

istri nya maxwell uda meninggal ceritanya. jadi dia perlu nanny buat jagain 3 anaknya. dateng deh nanny Fran Fine. cara ngomong nya yg ky .. ndeso gitu (for americans :p) haha trus suara cempreng, org nya .. apa ya.. not that serious, beda banget sama maxwell, sayang sm anak2nya maxwell. CC tu punya that thing ke maxwell kan.. tp maxwell sm skali gak nganggep cc apa2. cm tmen kerja aja. CC jadi keki sjak kehadiran Fran hahaha. one more thing, CC tu ga punya hubungan baik sm anak2 maxwell. she tried so hard! tp dikalahkan fran yg easily connected with each of them :) nah, that's a short prolog supaya pada ngerti funny lines dibawah iniii :)

maxwell: i didnt know you could make such a good bond with my kids, CC.

CC: ooh... thats just female instinct..

niles: i heard female eat their young.


(fran sm niles lg cari tikus di dapur)

fran: come here little mouse..

niles: here mousey mousey..

fran: we're just going to throw you out of the house..

niles: and then we're going to kill you! *with evil eyes*


maxwell use yellow rubber boots, looking ridiculous, fran is sitting on a couch 

fran: youre not going to the museum in those boots, are you?

maxwell: well i am, in the chance of rain..

fran: theres a chance i fell of the chair but you dont see me wearing seatbelts!


(ceritanya brighton kepilih jd some sort of OSIS)

maxwell: now we're off to celebrate brighton's achievement, taking him to the German show at the mets (museum).

brighton: there's a fine line between reward and punishment in this house


(marsha tu kenalan nyokap fran yang nyebelin,sombong)

marsha: look, this is the picture of my daughter..

fran: oh.. she has your nose! the old one...

(maksudnya, idung dia sblm oprasi plastik, jelek :p)

marsha: did you hear that? fran is just a nanny here!

maggie: who are you anyway? you big green cow!

fran: maggie!

maggie: what?

fran:  ... it's turquoise..  :D

thats all for now. ntar lg kali ya hahaha i love The Nanny! :)


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