Dec 21, 2008

16 Random Things

yakk. first of all, aku ingin berterimakasih pada semuaaa yang udah dateng kemaren hehehe. I'm happy! :D laluu. sekarang gw lagi mencoba nge resize ke seratus empat puluh delapan foto dari kamera gw, buat di upload ke fb. wakak. bakal jadi 3 album tuh. since 1 album fb cuma muat 60 foto. iya kalo gw upload semua. gimana sih hip. aaargh! apa sih gue

terus skrg, sbnrnya gw mau mindahin 16 random things about me, yang udah gw tulis di application notes di fb. abisnya, ga tau mo post apa lagi. haha. and i've promised to update my blog regularly this holiday. heuheu.

1. Once youve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.
2. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged.
3. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
4. If I tagged you, its because I want to know more about you
16 random things about me

1. My all time favorite animation movie will be Finding Nemo and Meet the Robinsons. Nothing can top that.

2. I'm actually wearing contact lenses. Only few know it, though :P

3. I never like hard rock or heavy metal kind of music. I just listen to them like once a year when I'm deadly stressed out.

4. I adore and salute Johnny Depp's acting in all of his movie, maybe PoC will be on my top list.

5. Sometimes I think it will be easier if I live by my self, and not with my family. It's not like I don't like them or what, but my house will never be big enough for them and my gigantic ego. Yes, I'm just trying to say that I am a selfish person.

6. I don't like carrots if they're round or cube shaped. I only like carrots which sliced thinly usually on salad.

7. I stop watching Indonesian tv programe since 7 years old.

8. I just found out that looking for 16 random things about yourself, is hard somewhat fun :P

9. I like this number, and somehow I believe this number brings me luck. Sometimes I also feel like I'm surrounded by number 9, everywhere I go.

10. I hate taking ielts class, especially the reading part.

11. I always think that 'textile' has something to do with bahan bangunan. Things you need to build a building. Until I found out that it has something to do with clothes.

12. Some rarely times, I wish I were a boy.

13. I have 7 dolls on my bed. I named each of them. They are: Mr. Moo, my favorite (it's a cow you can tell), Saddie (a dog, I did some stiches on him/her), Mr. England (a bear wearing jacket with UK flag on it), Archie (a hippo!), Mitchel (another cow, more like an ox), Max (an Australian kelpie) and last but not least, Wemb! (a koala). I don't feel embarassed though, writing all that.

14. I love watching Spongebob Squarepants. The more stupid, the more like it.

15. Never like durian even though the rest of my family members are huge fans. Actually, there are plenty of food which I hate, but my family like them, or don't mind eating them. Such as ceker ayam, ati-ampela, tomato juice, sliced tomato with sugar, vietnamese food, paha atas or bawah, carrots, potatoes, peas, and many more. (kinda makes me think if I were adopted. Joke! :P)

16. Laugh out loud, without even concerning about what others think about you, is the greatest medicine, ever!

ayo ditiru! it's fun! :D:D:D


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