Jun 14, 2010

Something I randomly thought of

For me, the worst way to spend money is to buy a gum. Why would you pay for something that you can't even swallow? I know it has variety of flavor. And sometimes it goes with a nice packaging as well. But the taste will eventually disappear, anyway, it won't last long. I know it doesn't cost you that much, but even so, in the end you will have to throw it anyway. And oh! You can't force yourself to swallow it! If you do, it will be hard for your stomach to digest, and it'll just cost you more trouble (and some people might remember you as 'the fool who tried to swallow his gum'; hey! That actually might be an interesting title of a movie! Oh God I'm too easily distracted). My point is, a gum will only give you a moment of bliss, a glance of happiness, and that is it, really. Wouldn't you want something that's more long lasting?

No offense guys, not that I hate gum. I would consider to take one if someone offer me, though. But one thing for sure don't expect me with a gum at anytime, so don't bother to ask.

Wow I can sound cynical! *surprised my self a little bit there. Anyway this is what I randomly think about while waiting for an hour near gate 7, 9:25 AM flight to Jakarta. See you real soon, peeps :)


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