- gw cuma jalan k meja mv d dpan. trus pas gw balik badan, gw bsa nginjek gabuss yg mepet tembok, dan hampir jatohh.
- gw keluar kelas, bsa nabrak pintu.
- turun tangga, hampir! jatoh ampe melukai debi. *maav debs! kna pala lu ya?
- masuk LT, ada tulisan PULL di pintu, eh malah gw DORONG pintunya.
- selalu! salah masuk jalur tempat duduk pas masuk pagi. mestinya kan gw paling pojok kiri, gw slalu masuk k2 dari kiri. /swt
- d rumah, baru kluar kamar untuk melakukan sesuatu yang sudah direncanakan, bgitu di luar kamar, "gw mo ngapain yah tadi?"
- habis makan, balik k kamar, blajar kimia. baru sprempat jam, udah bertanya pada diri sendiri, "gw udah makan blom sih?"
- lagi asik maen piano. lagi asik baca partitur. sampe tengah, bisa bingung sendiri. td gw maen sampe mana? duh kok ilang! loh! emg gw maenin lagu yg judulnya ini?! loh?!
- pulang skola hp d taro d meja makan. gw tinggal les. pas d tmpat les, maw plg, gw triak2, LOH, HP GW MANA?!
- bales sms. udah sent. trs misalnya chat lg.. pas liat hp lagi, dan ada balesan sms, bertanya tanya, emg gw udah bales?!
gw tambah geje ni. tambah gila. oh tidak! swt abiss.
oya! ntar pas tgl 22, jangan ada yang bilang: good luck, yah.
bilangnya: BREAK A LEG!
soalnya, *kt mrs B*, justru kalimat, u know what, itu bawa bad luck. so... BREAK A LEG!
*TELAT deh lo hip. baru tau skarang. huahahaha..
break a leg! break a leg!
dudududududud. males bangett. sapa sih yang nyiptain ulum?! lebih tepatnya, SAPA sih yang nyiptain SEKOLAH?! pgn gw kentutin.
*maav para leluhur. maav! >.<
cape lah. lg banyak pikiran. personal things yg gak perluu d umbar2kan d blogg.
uda kaga ada lg yg ngepostt.
hun jarang. mey apa lagi. plg mendy. itw pun jarang2 jg i think.
trs pile uda gak nge blog. babay? jgn tanya. nonii ga jelass jeloo? maybe. sumtimes.
kapan donk blog 'in' lagii?!
*maksa gila.
oh iya. ada lirik lagu lucuu. jazz. lagu lama sih, i think.
here goes.
They All Laughed - The Charlie Biddle Trio
They all laughed at Christopher Columbus
When he said the world was round
They all laughed when Edison recorded sound
They all laughed at Wilbur and his brother
When they said that man could fly
They told marconi
Wireless was a phony
It’s the same old cry
They laughed at me wanting you
Said I was reaching for the moon
But oh, you came through
Now they’ll have to change their tune
They all said we never could be happy
They laughed at us and how!
But ho, ho, ho!
Who’s got the last laugh now?
They all laughed at Rockefeller center
Now they’re fighting to get in
They all laughed at Whitney and his cotton gin
They all laughed at Fulton and his steamboat
Hershey and his chocolate bar
Ford and his misery
Kept the laughers busy
That’s how people are
They laughed at me wanting you
Said it would be, "hello, goodbye."
But oh, you came through
Now they’re eating humble pie
They all said we’d never get together
Darling, let’s take a bow
For ho, ho, ho!
Who’s got the last laugh?
He, hee, hee!
Let’s at the past laugh
Ha, ha, ha!
Who’s got the last laugh now?
sudah dehh. ciao.
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