May 3, 2006


huh.. menjelang ujian gini,, masih bisa2ny ol jem stenga spulu. ato baru stenga 9 ya? ah,, bodo.

knapa ya orang2 makin deket hari ujian makin males blajar?

apakah anda juga merasa seperti itu?

apakah anda malas belajar?

apakah anda bosan saat belajar? [oh, itu sudah pasti,.]


musik harus di ganti be.i?

komputer harus d ganti mathh?

kta udah jelas2 bljr di skul, tp orang rumah ttp gak mau ngerti,, n tetep PAKSA kita bljr?

pdhl kta udah ngerasa bsa...?

yesterdaee i had a big fight wiff ma dad. hate him. huh. [hope he didn't read this]

he told me to study, study, study. BUT the condition was,, i have just finished my math course! of course am tired and i watched TV. and he said,

" I don't see you study today. what are you going to prepare?!"

you don't know how hard it is to study 8 hours at school. i thought.

"just go to your room and study!! blah blah blah blah blah "

HELL.O?? i am the one who study?!!

i am the one who noe my skill?

i am the one who trully know how far i have studied??

he doesn't know anything !!

he doesn't even got home when I had my MATH course!! DUh??

i just hate every single person in this world.
sorry guys.


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