Dec 11, 2005

tenks smwaaa... ^^

tenks yah smwaa.. yg uda ngucapin hepi bdae ke hippo hari inii ^^ today hipo is very very extreamly haapiii!! hehehehe.. jgn lupa besok ultah echaa.. ^^ hahahaha..

dis is the list of people who gives me bdae congratulations, tdaayy,, ::
[dari yg paling pertama mpe yg terakhir]

debi, babay,bokap, nyokap, dave, addi, mayee, katkat, cate, atha, tepy teresia, chacha, cindy, aril, dea naes, ci lia, meyy, gaga, mesZa, mayang, tante yeni, tedjo, kiddo, nike, odenk, dniz, lynn, momo, mba sri, dephie, ra, jelow, hanZ, ci ferna

makasih semuaa!!!

i appriciate,, really really appriciate the one who remembered my birthday date.. really appriciate it. thank you. deep in side my heart, i say thanks.

cuman,, herannya, oma gue, yg dari bokap mawpun yg dari nyokap, kok blom ks slamet yahh? padahal,, taon taon laluu,, mereka slalu rajin pagi2 nelfonin gue,, gangguin orang enak2 mimpii.. buset daahh.. ga inget sama skalee.. ahh,, bodo.. hauuhahua..

truuss,, cowo gue, rupert grint,, belon ngasi slamat juga! wahh,, parah cowo guee,, parahh.. huauhauhhua...

skali lagii, makasih smwaa!! lurv you all!! really lurv youu!! ^^ especially... hahahhaa..

harap diingat::
1. ultah hipo sama kayak ultah atha
2. hipo gak mengharapkan kado
3. besok echa ultah
4. cowo gue, RUPERT GRINT belon ngasi gua slamat ultah!

ahh,, gue gila dahh harii iniii.. besok bawa baju ganti plus handuuukk!! hauauhhauuhahauhauhau...

~very very really extreamly so so happy hippo~ ^^

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