Jul 20, 2010

fifty four

hello Looklet, my dear old friend!

I used to play this all day long waktu liburan super panjang antara lulus SMA and masuk kuliah. I know why girls love Looklet so much! it's how they want to dress up, actually. or maybe, there are some stuff there that they wish they had but they don't. it's not wrong, really! it's fun, actually. and it gives you something to do rather than just reminiscing your past, updating your twitter status, kepo-ing your friends' fb.. lol. you know what I mean. but when you play 'dressing up' all day long, you'll run out of ideas, for sure. lol. well, if you're new to this Looklet thingy, just click this Looklet. you can check out the outfits that I had "pick" recently by searching 'Chrisvania' on the 'Users' page. HAVE FUN!

p.s: a good friend of mine said: come on, do anything, anything to make you happy. man, that's true, and I'm gonna! thank you! :)


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