Feb 6, 2010

Go Outside!


Facebook is getting boring :|

yea, been feeling that for the last couple of days. but I can't get rid of the temptation to check it at least twice a day. dang. am I addicted? hope not.


why oh why do we always want something more and more, something new and new, something exciting, cool, powerful, dramatic, fantastic and connecting each daaaayyy

oh well. think I'm going to open twitter and blogger more frequently. thinking of making my self tumblr. seems fun. but nooo am not gonna cheat on you bloggie *nada jijik

posted something on youtube (and facebook). need some pretty honest comments and not those junks like: are you on drugs or something???
*no, seriously I got that comment on one of my videos. I know I'm not that good but what the hell?

see ya!


1 comment:

Clar said...

hey, i have a tumblr too. when you have both, it's not cheating.. it's just expanding yourself on the network ;)