that's Jordin Sparks' newest song :D she ft. Guy Sebastian
well.. if you want to know, today is a bit hectic. it's been quite a day for my class. why? because we got three classes today. two with the same subject. a boring one. pity, huh? well you shouldve join us today --" plus! one of our teacher got mad at the entire class. he said that we still didn't focus and pay attention enough on what we're doing. it's as if we didn't put extra effort; but we did! sigh. he doubt that we could be a great drawer at the end of the semester. kinda make some of us down, though. and! he also gave us "project 2", which we have to draw this:
1-point perspective (8 shapes each. EIGHT!):
- 1 x A3 page of cubes
- 1 x A3 page of cylinders
- 1 x A3 page of cones & pyramids
- 1 x A3 page of extended cubes
2-point perspective (4/5 shapes; but still!):
- 2xA3 pages of cubes
- 2xA3 pages of cylinders
- 2xA3 pages of cones
Adding and Reducing (3 each):
- 1 x A3 page - rectangular volumes
- 1 x A3 page - cylindrical volumes
- 1 x A3 page - spherical volumes
(he hasnt even show us how to make this one, yet)
- 1 x A3 page - computer mouse
(yes, that mouse you're holding, if you're not using the trackpad on your laptop)
Consumer products
4 x A3 pages (min) - 2 different perspective views of each product.
I didn't even want to write those down but oh well, just to let you know what I'm having for the next... TWO WEEKS. all that in two weeks! I know this looks like I'm exaggerating, but I'm not! oh yeah, we're not allowed to use pencil and ruler, or any drawing templates, we have to use fine liners (ballpoint) INSTEAD! GAAAHHHH sirem aja lah pake HCL (nyerah ngetik pake inggris)
AAAAAAAAA welcome the REAL design course, I guess.
terus terus. di post yang dulu2 tuh gw pernah cerita kalo anak ipa mendekati ujian sering terbawa suasana. misalnya ngeliat kursi karatan: IH KURSI NYA MENGALAMI KOROSI! ato gak ngebaca Starbucks jadi Stroma, terus dikit2 gunain istilah veses, defekasi, sama mixi. nah kalo sekarang, gw personally, ngalamin hal itu lagi, tapi... in design.
jadi, gw baru di ajarin sama guru gw yang ngasi projek di atas, kalo kita gambar, semua menuju perspective yang sama. kita uda belajar 1 point persp, sama 2 points. nah! syaratnya gambar itu bener, gambar itu (line yang menuju perspective nya) harus convergent. saling mendekati, dan tidak menjauh. yang inget pelajaran mat kelas tiga angkat tangannnn! :!@#$%^&*
this is exactly what I'm talking about! liat nggak jalannya seolah2 dari lebar terus menyempit? itu dia yang harus ada di gambar kita. and.. I'm missing a point here. oh iya ! inget! jadi.. tiap pagi tu gw harus jalan gitu kan di pathway gitu lahh. sekitar 15 menit dari rumah ke train station terdekat. gw sih cuma berharap gw tambah kurus gara2 jalan gitu wakkaka. karna kalo gw gak mikir positif, gw selalu ngomel2, pengen cepet2 pindah ke rumah yang lebi deket aja sama stasiun ato apapun hahahaa. ehm. anyway, gw tadi pagi baru menyadari, kalo path yang gw lewati setiap hari, itu... KONVERGEN! pasti! gila keliatan jelas! gw jadi tau kalo ntar gambar perspektif, harus kayak begitu. harus konvergen!
terus kemaren gurunya sempet mengkritik kerjaan salah satu teman, beliau bertanya2 kenapa garis dia gak konvergen, tapi malah sebaliknya. malah melebar. karena itu sama aja kayak melawan hukum alam. hukum fisika gravitasi, yang kalo benda di jatohin, jatoh ke bawah. "I don't know what world you're living in, if you keep drawing the line divergent" I quote him. lol
makan ah.
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