Mar 1, 2009


yak. ga tau napa bulan feb ini bener2 cepet rasanya.secara emang cuma 28 hari (apa coba). rasanya baru aja kmrn selametin happy new year *ya gak segitunya sih. kayaknya ngrasa cpet karena my days were all full with tests and try outs. bener2 sehari satu, at least. dan gw rasa kami semua uda mati rasa banget2 sama to itu. sampe rasanya klo shari aj ga latian prsiapan UN, ada yg salah. FREAK OH MY FREAK.

gw sih berharap smua ini bs d jalanin dgn happy. d bawa enjoy. tp gak segampang itu. smua prasaan capek, suntuk, bete, lelah dan terutama MALES kuwar smua, numpuk jadi satu. there are some max point where we are all tired with all of our monotone activities. i hate it sometimes. i really do. makanya kalo ada ksempatan buat jalan pas hr sabtu gini, kayak barusan karaoke d hap-pup gw bener2 sangat seneng and relieved. and ready to face next week. the next hell week. its always a hell week for us, until the word 'hell' doesnt really have a menaing at all.

trs dr jumat,ato kamis,gw pinjem dvd greys dari inet.season 3. AND IM HAPPY.karna hr jumat plg sklh,gw mandi dan makan sambil ngabisin 6 episodes greys. from 5-10pm i guess haha. di lanjutin td siang dr jem 11an sampe 2an gw ntn epi 7 ampe... 12? i even forget. gw ga taw gmn gw sangat ter addict sm greys. i just love watching it. no, correction, i love watching patrick dempsey. i dont really put attention on the biological cases, honestly. but more on meredith-derek's love life drama. hahaha. oh well, i admit it.

secara gw gak ntn ending seeason 2,, GIMANA SI DENNY MATI SIH? KOK TB2 DY MATI DAN SEOLAH2 ITU TRAGIS BGT? gw penasaran bgtbgt. bagi kalian yg tau and kindly want to tell me, please taro d tag ato wall gw d fb, ato sms kalo krajinan.haha

rasanya cuma gw sm bbrp anak yg masi menyempatkan waktu buat new post. oh well. HAVE A NICE WEEKEND.

happy birthdays:
7 denise
10 addi
17 viki arif yosu
19 sega
22 febiola
26 bogel
wish you all all the bestbest! :D


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